July HOA Minutes
Date Posted: 8/12/2011





DATE: July 26, 2011

TIME: 6:30 PM




MEETING CALLED TO ORDER: President Jack Pennella called meeting to order 6:30pm.


QUORUM CALL: Present were President Jack Pennella, Greg Plagmann, Gregory McFarlane, and Sue Sheppard, Absent & excused Jordan Goldman. Also present Steve Schnitzer, CAM



PROOF OF THE July 26, 2011 MEETING POSTED: Notice was posted at guardhouse.



PPROVAL OF MEETING MINUTES OF 6.28.11; Motion by Gregory McFarlane to approve the June 28, 2011 MINUTES; 2nd by Greg Plagmann; Motion passed unanimously.



MANAGERS REPORT: Steve reported that Impact has begun the process of replacing dead cabbage palms in the area of the Amenity Center. Additional list of dead cabbage palms was sent to Impact landscaping for replacement.


Steve reported that Pulte had responded to the SJRWMD notice regarding the lake bank erosion issue but no decision has been made. (Pulte responded, they would be looking into the problem?).



Steve reported that the renter had vacated the delinquent home at 3550 Jute Lane and the association was moving forward with foreclosure, (Renter left without paying the June rent to the association).



Steve reported that two juvenile guests of a renter were caught on camera damaging exercise equipment within the Amenity Center. The renter and adult parent guest were contacted and will pay for the damaged equipment. Note if the guest does not pay the renter will be held accountable for the damage.



Steve reported LSP landscaper damaged a section of fence at the Amenity Center which was also caught on camera. LSP will pay for the repairs. East Coast Fence Company will be contacted to make the necessary repairs.


Steve reported Hoover Pump Company was contacted to replace the defective west irrigation pump motor at a cost to the association of $2100.00.



TREASURERS REPORT: Greg Plagmann reported as of June 31, 2011 $36,995.90 in operating, $16,558.21 in reserves. Total operating and reserves $53,554.11 Greg Plagmann reported eight (8) long term delinquent accounts with LAW Association attorney as well as three (3) short term accounts delinquent. Letters of Demand for payment have been sent.



ACC REPORT: Chairman Dave Smith on vacation and excused from meeting. Dawn Pennella reported one (1) ACC Application was approved and a previous application for FFL was withdrawn by applicant.



At the last ACC meeting the following motion was unanimously approved by the committee and read into the meeting minutes; “The deadline to submit ACC requests will be the 1st of each month, any request made after the 1st will be heard the following month”. Additionally mentioned all requests are to be submitted to either

ACC Chairperson, Dave Smith or Dawn Pennella, Secretary.



The ACC committee also requested all ACC forms in the future to include at the top of the form the new guideline information for ACC request submission. Steve Schnitzer, Property Manager to follow up on this request.


President Jack Pennella suggested a committee to be formed to review the FFL that would best suit the community.



SOCIAL COMMITTEE REPORT: No Report- Chairlady on vacation.



COMMUNITY CENTER REPORT: Chandra Claycomb submitted the estimate to replace the damaged exercise equipment. President Jack Pennella made a motion to purchase the replacement equipment submitted by committee Chairperson Claycomb; 2nd by Sue Sheppard; motion passed unanimously.



Matt & Chandra Claycomb have generously donated a set of dumbbells to the amenity center exercise room. Many thanks go to the Claycomb’s.







President Jack Pennella reported the small tree planting had been completed and top dressing will continue to be applied by LSP in areas of sod damage. Sod replacement will continue now that the irrigation repairs and upgrade have been completed and our rainy season has begun.



President Jack Pennella reported Tru green has been contacted to address the fertilizer burn issue through the development.



SSTC REPORT: Greg Plagmann reported the alarm company was here to fine-tune the cameras in the Amenity Center.



NEW BUSINESS: Board reviewed the new signs for the Amenity Center. Gregory McFarlane made a motion to approve the new signs; 2nd by Jack Pennella; motion passed unanimously.



President Jack Pennella reported the association attorney would be addressing the irrigation pump station issues with Pulte. It was reported the Association Document Covenant mandates the Master Association of Palm Bay as the entity responsible for irrigation repairs while the LAW homeowners have been for the past several years financing this activity.


The Board discussed with the membership present the possibilities of Lakes at Waterstone becoming a 55+ community.


President Jack Pennella reported that all contracts would be reviewed for the 2012 budget year and the process will be on going until the end of the year.



OLD BUSSINESS: The Board requested residents using the Amenity Center to put trash upon departing the center in the container on the side of the Amenity Center to prevent raccoons from raiding the containers on the veranda.



The Board discussed the gazebo whereas the gazebo would move forward when the donations were collected and the balance was due on the gazebo is paid. Sue Sheppard would collect the donations and the funds would be deposited in the Lakes at Waterstone Social Committee account.



President Jack Pennella reported that the association insurance company denied the $750 Defense Attorney payment he personally incurred for legal fees.


Gregory McFarlane made a motion for the association to pay the $750 legal fee; 2nd by Sue Sheppard; motion passed unanimously. President Jack Pennella abstained.



OPEN FORUM: Homeowners voiced their questions for the Board; one subject of discussion was the possibility of the LAW investigating the option of becoming a 55+ community. Committee to be formed to review this issue with Brian Donnelly volunteering to be chairperson of a five member committee.



NEXT HOA MEETING DATE: With Board Approval No Board Meeting will be held in August. Next Board meeting September 27, 2011.





Minutes respectfully submitted for the Board,

Steve Schnitzer, CAM
